Swimming Pool Construction
Pool Construction By The Numbers
1. Building Permit

Every project begins with a Building Permit. The permitting process varies within the surrounding states, counties, cities, and neighborhood HOAs. The length of time necessary to obtain a permit also varies widely by jurisdiction. Backyard Creations is familiar with all of the local county requirements and regulations and will handle the complete permit process including all normal costs involved in obtaining the building permit. We can also assist in providing any documents needed for obtaining your neighborhood HOA.
2. After the building permit is received

The real excitement begins! Your Backyard Creations sales person and job supervisor will meet with you to determine the pool layout and final pool elevation. Site access will be determined at this meeting as well as a preliminary excavation date.
3. Coping, Tile, & Filter Choices

Be ready to let your imagination take flight in Backyard Creations design center. We are currently showing tile samples from the three major pool tile companies: National Pool Tile™, Classic Pool Tile, and Luv Tile. You will enjoy seeing the complete display of WetEdge® finishes as well as sample plaster colors. Check out the filter options as well as lighting choices. Pool finish colors, lighting and equipment choices, tile and coping should be finalized before excavation to assure the most aesthetically pleasing fixtures for your pool.
4. Excavation

It's the big day, Miss Utility has marked your property and the machine is onsite ready to begin digging. We will want you to be onsite for a final sign off on the pool layout and elevation. Excavation time varies depending on site and soil conditions. At excavation completion, we will set and pressurize the main drain lines and install the pool light niches. At this time, your relationship with Backyard Creations will combine your sales person and your job supervisor. You will have access to your supervisor's cell phone for any questions or concerns that will develop during the construction process. At any time you have questions that your job supervisor cannot answer to your satisfaction, Backyard Creations president, Steve Braun can be reached in the office at extension 11. Please communicate with us. We want to hear from you.
5. Steel & Plumbing

Time for the next step - a steel structure is fabricated in the excavated hole using 3/8"(#3) and 1/2"(#4) rebar to reinforce the gunite shell. Backyard Creations pools are professionally engineered to insure the structural integrity for the life of the pool. Prior to gunite, Backyard Creations will install the plumbing skimmers and main drains according to the plans and equipment specified in your contract. After the steel installation, an inspector will check on the pool location and pool bonding (this varies by county).
6. Gunite

Now the pool really starts to take shape. Gunite is pneumatically applied concrete with water added at the nozzle to allow for a greater control of the mixture. The gunite shell is shot to specifications in compliance with the Gunite Contractors Association publication G-36 to attain 4,000 PSI compressive strength at 28 days. We offer a limited lifetime warranty against cracks and leaks in the gunite shell.
7. Tile & Coping Installation
Let's brighten up that gray shell with some color. After the gunite shell has had a chance to cure, the coping stones, flagstone or bricks are installed on the pool followed by a 6" line of waterline tile. If accent tile is a part of your pool design, it will typically be installed on the steps, benches, and loveseats. Of course, all of these design decisions will meet with your approval at the time of your coping and tile selection.
8. Equipment Installation & Plumbing

It's now time to place your pool equipment and complete the pool plumbing. Before this can happen, your job supervisor will want to have a conversation with you to confirm your pool equipment location. Backyard Creations maintains high standards to insure your pool is plumbed properly to allow for optimum water flow and circulation. At the completion of the plumbing process, the system is put under pressure to insure that there are no system leaks. We provide a limited lifetime warranty on all pool plumbing.
9. Electrical
The electrical connections for your pool equipment are made by an independent licensed master electrician who is highly skilled in wiring pool equipment. Your electrician will obtain the proper electric permit. Backyard Creations maintains professional relationships with several master electricians who have proven track records in wiring swimming pools. Because many counties ask that the electrician apply for an electric permit before a building permit is issued, it is important that you establish a relationship with one of our qualified electricians at the beginning of the pool buying process. Any of these electricians will be happy to give you job cost estimates before any work begins.
10. Decks
Decking around a pool is one of the most significant aspects of how your pool will look and feel. Working with an experienced pool deck contractor not only saves time and aggravation but saves money in the long run. At this point you may be wondering why the plumbing trenches were not filled in after the pool was plumbed. All decks have differnt sub base requirements. It is important for the decking crews to know where the plumbing and electric lines are located. This allows the crews to compact the sub base properly without damaging any plumbing lines. All jurisdictions now require a deck bonding inspection after the decks have been formed and before they can be poured. Once this requirement has been met, the construction of the decks will proceed.
11. Pool Finish & Fill

The pool finish is what makes your pool watertight. A plaster finish takes one day; a WetEdge® finish takes two days. When the pool finish crews have completed, they will need to use your garden hose to run a slow trickle of water into the pool until the water truck arrives. Do not be alarmed - we are not trying to fill your pool with the garden hose! Backyard Creations is one of the few pool builders to include trucked in pool water in your pool contract.
12. Pool Start-Up
The pool finishes take approximately 30 days to fully cure. Muratic acid is added to a freshly finished pool to dramatically reduce the PH level of the water. Maintaining a low water PH level will keep the calcium in the water in solution and not attach to the walls of your pool. It is very important that you brush the pool three times a day during the first week and two times a day for the second week. Brushing will help reduce the possibility of staining from settling debris. It also helps to create a smoother finish. The pool equipment will be turned on a day after the pool finish is complete and your job supervisor will balance your pool water. At this time, you are encouraged to begin enjoying your new Backyard Creations pool.
13. Finishing Touches
The pool heater (optional) and Polaris automatic pool cleaner will be put into operation approximately two weeks after your pool equipment has been started. In addition, Backyard Creations will provide you with a start-up kit that includes your maintenance kit and start-up chemicals. Your job supervisor will also be contacting you to schedule your pool indoctrination. At the indoctrination you will receive a comprehensive tutorial on running the pool and equipment. You will be presented with the pool owner's manual explaining pool maintenance and water chemistry.
14. Worry Free Pool Ownership

Now that you are enjoying your new Backyard Creations pool, let our complete Service Department take the worry out of pool maintenance with free water testing, Omega® chemicals, and weekly pool service. Contact extension 10 for any of your pool service needs. You may also want to stop by our store to see what exciting new products we may have for you and your family.